lørdag den 7. november 2009

Herbs, Flasks and taking a stand.

Hello again. Today I woke up late and while scanning the Auction House I realized how the prices of Flasks have been consistently ranging from 29-33g since me and my mate entered the market while frost lotus had been jumping up and down from 50-70g.

Today I decided that I was time for the flask market to once again become the glorious moneymaking machinery it once was and bought out all the Flask of the Frost Wyrm available on the Auction House at low prices. After finishing up there I went and bought pretty much every single reasonably priced frost lotus as well ending up with a total of:
83 x Frost Lotus
145 x Flask of the Frost Wyrm.

I realize that this move may not give me any real profit for the next couple of weeks but I am positive that once 3.3 hits we'll see a staggering increase in the demand of flasks so regardless of the outcome I just managed to heavily increase my stock as we wait patiently for Icecrown.
What I just need to keep reminding myself is to be persistent, but not to a degree where I just keep piling money in the trunk of my competition. I think this is a great opportunity for me to get to know my competitors. Are there any major players represented in my realm? How will they react to my move? And how can I use information gathered in the future? I will spend the rest of the day/night online with a friend of mine, getting drunk and going "cool story bro!" every minute or so. Hopefully I will have a clear(er) picture of the market by the end of this week.
On top of my stacking up on flasks and herbs I am - ofcourse - also keeping a healthy supply of inks and pigments. The last thing I am buying large amounts of at the moment is Borean Leather which I am consistently turning into Heavy Borean Leather, ready to trade it in for loads and loads of Arctic Fur for patch day. either that or i just sell the leather at hyper inflated prices.

What are you stocking up on?


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